About Us

Lead Developers of ThermoFAST Web: Dr Peter E. Falloon and Prof. Eric F. May

Current Version: 2.1


The development of this software tool was supported by the Australian Research Council through the Industrial Transformation Training Centre for LNG Futures, IC150100019, and also through grant FT180100572. We also personally acknowledge Darren Rowland, Thomas Hughes, Jordan Oakley, Stanley Huang and Ophelia Frotscher for help with the development of ThermoFAST and literature data comparisons.

How to Cite

ThermoFAST Web:

FALLOON, P.E.; BAKER, C.J.; MAY, E.F. (2024): ThermoFAST Web 2.1. Thermodynamic Calculator for Fluid Mixture Properties. Fluid Science and Resources Research Group, The University of Western Australia.

ThermoFAST Desktop:

FALLOON, P.E.; BAKER, C.J.; ROWLAND, D.; JUSKO, V.; ZHU, D.; XIAO, X.; YANG, X.; AMAN, Z.; FROTSCHER, O.; MAY, E.F. (2024): ThermoFAST 2.1. Thermodynamic Calculator for Fluid Mixture Properties. Fluid Science and Resources Research Group, The University of Western Australia.

Publications and Resources

1. Baker et al. (2019) J. Chem. Thermodynamics doi:10.1016/j.jct.2019.05.006 [UWA Repository Version]
2. GPA-2018 paper
3. Corey J. Baker's PhD Thesis
4. User Manual for ThermoFAST Desktop